Category: Training

Equipment Feature | Technogym SKILLRUN

The way you start your morning can affect the entire day. By setting an intention and focusing on a morning routine that makes sense for you and your environment, you can slowly and peacefully ease into the day, giving your brain and body a gentle boost that will last for hours.

Tips from a Trainer | Functional Training for Gardening

The way you start your morning can affect the entire day. By setting an intention and focusing on a morning routine that makes sense for you and your environment, you can slowly and peacefully ease into the day, giving your brain and body a gentle boost that will last for hours.

8 Key Benefits to Adding Strength Training to Your Routine

Once upon a time, cardio was all the rage, and it was regarded as though it was the only element to working out that mattered. The belief was also that strength training was exclusively for bodybuilders or people who wanted to look more bulky. Thankfully, this misconception has been debunked, and now…

Do You Need a Personal Trainer? 5 Key Questions to Consider

Whether you are brand new to fitness or are a seasoned gym veteran, you can benefit from personal training in Kansas City. That is because personal trainers are certified to help you have a safe and fulfilling gym experience. They are also there to motivate you and teach you new training methods and…

A tennis ball on an outdoor court

6 Essential Tips for Improving Your Tennis Game

Do you love to play tennis but are struggling getting into the swing of things? It is no secret that tennis is a very technical sport that requires certain skills and techniques in order to have a competitive advantage. For those who are new to tennis, getting a hang of these can feel very overwhelming.