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Category: Training

Tips From a Trainer | 5 Exercises for People Who Work at a Desk

If you work in a position that requires hours of sitting each day, you know that all that office chair time can lead to poor posture, discomfort and poor circulation. Many of these short-term effects of immobility can be alleviated with a series of exercises meant to stretch out and strengthen muscles.

A young woman playing tennis outdoors

The 7 Best Benefits of Playing Tennis at Woodside

Have you ever considered taking a ‘whack’ at tennis? Or maybe your racquet has sat in the back of the storage closet for too long collecting dust and you need to get back into the swing of things. Regardless, playing tennis actually comes with a wealth of health benefits!

A personal trainer works with a client on a treadmill

8 Fitness Benefits You Can Only Get From a Personal Trainer

When you think of utilizing personal training in Kansas City, what do you think of? Do you imagine an extremely buff guy in a tank top yelling at you to push harder and do better? Or do you see yourself being pressured to do workouts that you are not totally comfortable with?

A group fitness class for cycling

10 Quick Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Cycle Class

Have you been considering joining a cycle class, but aren’t sure how to get started? Or maybe you’ve attempted going to other workout classes in Kansas City in the past, but you left feeling like it wasn’t the best experience.

Three women lifting weights during a group fitness class.

Add Variety to Your Routine with a Woodside Group Fitness Class

They say that variety is the spice of life, and it’s certainly true when it comes to fitness as well. Doing the same routine day in and day out can not only dramatically affect your results, it can have a serious impact on staying motivated to keep coming to the gym.