Category: Fitness

Berries in a heart-shaped bowl

National Heart Month: 5 Changes to Make to Improve Cardiovascular Health

Cardiovascular health might not be on the top of everyone’s priority list although it should be, as heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, according to the CDC. February is American Heart Month, and no, not just because Valentine’s Day falls right in the middle.

A personal trainer works with a client on a treadmill

8 Fitness Benefits You Can Only Get From a Personal Trainer

When you think of utilizing personal training in Kansas City, what do you think of? Do you imagine an extremely buff guy in a tank top yelling at you to push harder and do better? Or do you see yourself being pressured to do workouts that you are not totally comfortable with?

A group fitness class for cycling

10 Quick Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Cycle Class

Have you been considering joining a cycle class, but aren’t sure how to get started? Or maybe you’ve attempted going to other workout classes in Kansas City in the past, but you left feeling like it wasn’t the best experience.

A group of friends and family pass plates around at Thanksgiving

7 Tips to Not Overindulge This Thanksgiving

One of America’s favorite holidays is just around the corner: Thanksgiving. This is a special day that is set aside for us to celebrate with friends and family, catch up on the past year and of course, indulge in some delicious foods.

Towels and tea candles on a table at a wellness center

5 Ways to Combat Seasonal Depression with Woodside Amenities

While it is sometimes dubbed the ‘winter blues’, seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, is something that is very real and impacts millions of Americans each and every year. SAD is what occurs when the days become shorter and the air becomes colder.