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Tag: Westwood fitness club

A personal trainer works with a client on a treadmill

8 Fitness Benefits You Can Only Get From a Personal Trainer

When you think of utilizing personal training in Kansas City, what do you think of? Do you imagine an extremely buff guy in a tank top yelling at you to push harder and do better? Or do you see yourself being pressured to do workouts that you are not totally comfortable with?

A group of friends and family pass plates around at Thanksgiving

7 Tips to Not Overindulge This Thanksgiving

One of America’s favorite holidays is just around the corner: Thanksgiving. This is a special day that is set aside for us to celebrate with friends and family, catch up on the past year and of course, indulge in some delicious foods.

Close up of woman eating salad at the gym

How to Replenish Your Body Post Workout

HOW TO REPLENISH YOUR BODY POST WORKOUT When it comes to the old adage ‘diet and exercise’, it’s important not to skimp on the first half. After all, eating properly