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Personal Training Testimonial

We asked our Personal Training T.E.A.M. to collect some of their client’s stories on how and why they choose to work with a trainer, and how it benefits them.  This week we would like to recognize Rick A. and his dedication to training with Sara and what he gets out of it.

“The most important thing that has helped me become a more healthy person, and a person who now is actively exercising every week in the gym is that I decided to do it – that is to go to a personal trainer and say I have no idea what I am doing, but I would like to get stronger and I would like to have more overall energy and also be able to play competitive tennis. Sara Morgan, the personal trainer I consulted with, has really given me the motivation to take my health to places I never dreamed of. Last year I started off very slow but with Sara’s expertise I was able to learn how to use the equipment in the gym and how to push myself to within reasonable limits. This year I am actually starting to enjoy going to the gym because I am seeing results and the results that even more hard work will bring me. – Richard A

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