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Member Perks at the Village Roasterie

The Roasterie Cafe is the newest addition to the Woodside Village shops, the fifth neighborhood café for this locally-based Kansas City coffee roaster. Woodside members will receive a 10% discount everyday at the Village Roasterie when they show their membership card. 

Designed by Hufft Projects, the cafe boasts a contemporary interior and a stunning “modbar.” The state-of-the-art modular brewing station offers customers an immersive coffee experience through the use of sleek taps specifically designed for espresso, steam, drip coffee and pour over drinks.

A full complement of air-roasted coffee and espresso drinks, tea and Cold Brew and Nitro Cold Brew will be available, along with coffee-related home-brewing equipment and accessories and The Roasterie’s signature merchandise.

Touted as the new town center for the City of Westwood, Woodside Village integrates the Woodside Health & Tennis Club with 335 new luxury residential apartments and 36,500 square feet of retail shops.

“Our vision for every Roasterie café—and even our Drive-Thru on Southwest Blvd.—is to promote a strong community connection,” says Danny O’Neill, founder, The Roasterie. “The Woodside Village café is no exception—it’s a destination that supports the landscape of one of Kansas City’s iconic neighborhoods undergoing a vibrant renaissance. Not only do we look forward to serving visitors, we can’t wait to be part of the residential and retail fabric of Woodside Village and to collaborate with nearby Woodside Health & Tennis Club.”

“Besides energizing an established Kansas City urban neighborhood, Woodside Village is designed to provide key amenities to residents, tenants and the area in general,” says Blair Tanner of Los Angeles-based Tanner and White, developers of Woodside Village. “The Roasterie Café at Woodside Village aligns with our commitment to quality local goods and services.”

Learn more about our neighbors at Woodside Village online here:

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