Kansas City’s Junior Tennis League gives novice male and female players 10 and under orange ball, 12 and under green ball, and 13 and above yellow ball, the opportunity to participate in recreational competition with other teams from around the city. This is a summer program, played each year during June and July. Teams play other teams of similar ability in singles and doubles.

Match Format: Each match consists of four singles matches and two doubles matches. Ladder matches played prior to the JTL season determine a player’s position.

Weekly Match Schedule:
10 and Under: Monday 1 – 2:30PM
12 and Under: Tuesday 1 – 3PM
Teens: Thursday 1 – 3PM

$135 + tax per player

Email coach Ryan Wall to register.

All academy players participate in the summer USTA JTT match play program. There are 10/under, 12/under, and High School divisions. Teams consist of three boys and three girls. Play is singles, doubles, and mixed doubles. Matches are played at Woodside and area clubs on Wednesday afternoons during the outdoor season. Woodside Tennis professional staff are present for matches to help coach and manage players.

$99 + tax per player

10 and Under: Monday 1 – 2:30PM
12 and Under: Tuesday 1 – 3PM
Teens: Thursday 1 – 3PM

$135 + tax per player

Email coach Ryan Wall to register.