Adult Socials
Woodside Adult Tennis organizes regular socials and team tennis events throughout the year. From our annual Club Championships to novice socials and team tennis events, we bring together players from across the club for fun, competition or recreation.
For upcoming events, view Events Calendar
Doubles and Singles play in a tournament format during specified times of the year with food, drinks and a ton of fun! Play may begin as early as Friday night and continue through Sunday until the champions are decided. Lunch and drinks are included on Saturday for tournament participants.
Register through Woodside Tencap.
It’s fun, fast, and a great way to get involved with tennis or work on your skills. Woodside’s program includes:
- Kick Off Event with one of our own Woodside Tennis Coaches
- Ongoing communication and accountability
- Cardio Tennis classes
- Targeted programming drills
- Ball machine usage intended for 3 times per weekBall machine usage can be reserved up to 6 days in advance. Ball machine is not available Monday through Thursday 6 – 9PM.
Because this program is developed to help participants lose weight and tone up, the member who logs the most ball machine workouts by points will be gifted a prize.