Woodside is proud to have such a professionally talented staff, sometimes we forget how easily that talent is carried over into their personal lives. Woodside Personal Trainer, Lee Clark, is more than just a frisbee fanatic, he lives and breathes the sport. For the last 2 years, Lee has been a coach for the Kansas City Ultimate club, Wicked Ultimate, whose organization plays at the highest level that Ultimate leagues have to offer. Here’s a glimpse of his experience with this talented community of athletes this year.
“The squad is made up of local talent from the KCMO area as well as players from Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska, and Arkansas and age ranges anywhere from early to late 20’s.
This season, we have won back to back tournaments; one in Fort Collins, CO and one in Chicago, IL. As a result of our early success, we have been ranked nationally in the top 25 teams for the first time in the history of the club. This coming weekend (Aug 18-20), we will be heading to another mecca of ultimate in Wisconsin for a tournament. The competition will be fierce and include some of the top teams in the country. This will be one of the first times this program will truly be put to the test in every round of a tournament.
We are excited to be invited and we plan on showing everyone what ultimate in the Midwest is all about.”
-Lee Clark, Personal Trainer, Ultimate Coach, Master of the disk… and so much more.
Go luck team!! We’ll be cheering you on from the homefront.