Manic Monday


Manic Monday MyWoodside_2016.05.20

Join us on Memorial Day for a special day of group fitness and fun! Manic Monday will take place this Monday from 8:30am – 11:00am in the studios, and yoga studio. Come “JJAM” with Jodie, Jeff & Markey for a special outdoor spin that will feature music from your favorite classics by Prince, David Bowie & Michael Jackson, or join your ‘Fit Fam’ for GRIT™, BODYPUMP™ or CXWORX™. Wanna get your vinyasa on? Join AnnaMarie for Hatha Flow or Sumya for Basics! Whatever your Memorial Day plans are, start it here at Woodside and get your ‘feel good’ on for the rest of the day! Check the full schedule below.

Club Hours for Monday, May 30:

Main Clubhouse & Pools: 7:00am – 8:00pm |  Studios: 7:00am – Noon

Group Fitness Schedule:

8:30am – 9:25am | “Take it Outside Ride” Outdoor specialty spin with Jodie, Jeff & Markey
9:30am – 10:30am | “Take it Outside Ride” Outdoor specialty spin with Jodie, Jeff & Markey
Reserve your seat in the Cycling Studio by logging on to MyWoodside

8:30am – 9:45am | Hatha Flow with AnnaMarie in the Yoga Studio
9:00am – 9:30am | GRIT™ Cardio with Mallory M
9:45am – 10:30am | BODYPUMP™ Express with Anne R & Stephanie R
10:00am-11:00am | Yoga Basics with Sumya A in the Yoga Studio
10:30am – 11:00am | CXWORX™ with Olivia D

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