If you’ve been considering getting into yoga, but you’re not sure where to start, this overview will help. When you find a style that seems like a good fit, we encourage you to book a class! Our Yoga Studio is a welcoming environment for both new and experienced yogis.
Yoga Level Guide
Levels are defined by degree of inversed pose where feet are positioned higher than heart.
L1 | The first level, for new yogis or those limited in flexibility. Classes may include Single Leg Crow Pose and Assisted/Tripod Headstand.
L2 | Build on elevated poses linked to breath to maximize stamina. Classes may include King Pigeon Pose, Headstands and arm balances.
L3 | Highest degree of experience advised. Classes may include Handstands, Firefly Pose or Scorpion Pose.

Explore key essential L1 yoga poses in a safe and open environment. Class emphasis is on alignment, strength, and full range of motion through a variety of standing and seated postures. Perfect for those who desire more mobility or are limited in flexibility.
Restorative yoga embodies a meditative practice that guides opening your body through long passive stretching [between 5-10 minutes] using blocks, blankets and bolsters. This style works to release tension and harmonize the body’s life force.

Yin yoga guides regenerative poses that are held 2-5 minutes each. Incorporate principles of traditional Chinese medicine and asanas that work with the energy meridians in your body, cultivating active stretch in your connective tissues. Experience increased flexibility, improved posture and joint mobility.
The word “Hatha” is both the term for all physical practices of yoga and the yoga of opposing energies, Surya (sun) and Chandra (moon). Experience a class focusing on flowing from pose to pose, linking movement with breath.

Contrary to popular belief, Archeologists believe the true origins of Yoga emerged over 10,000 years ago from one of the oldest civilizations: ancient Egypt. This practice emphasizes self-discovery, breathwork, and steady ancient Yogic postures derived from ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.
“Vinyasa” translates to “flowing with breath” and is a dynamic style of Hatha yoga which joins postures, or asanas, with your body’s breath, creating a naturally steady internal rhythm. Power Vinyasa classes highlight classical poses for longer and deeper periods.

Created by K. Pattabhi Jois during the 20th century, Ashtanga Yoga, or known as ‘the eight limbs of yoga’, connects movement with breath, reflecting the six fundemental sequence series. Students experience each pose and transition at their own pace.
Note: Traditional Ashtanga classes are conducted without music.