Woodside Group Fitness Instructor Caitlin Katz demonstrates a full body mini band circuit that you can complete anywhere. Complete the circuit three times, taking 15 second breaks between each workout.
Resistance Squat
Place the mini band around your legs just underneath your knee. Open your feet wider than hip width apart and squat. Stand up squeezing your glutes at the top. Repeat for 30 seconds.
If you want to challenge yourself, try going quicker or adding in a jump. If this movement is hard for you, try narrowing your stance or going slower.
Lateral Side Step
Place the mini band around your ankles. Separate your feet to shoulder-width. Place a slight bend in the knees while keeping your chest up. Laterally shift your weight over one leg and take a step sideways with the other leg. Pause, then switch with the other leg. Alternate between both legs for 30 seconds.
Add an extra challenge by getting into an even lower squat and moving quicker than the round before. If this movement is hard for you, try standing up between each step.
Squat + Shoulder Opener
Place a mini band around your legs just underneath your knees and around your wrists. Place your arms at shoulder height extended in front of you. Place your legs hips width apart and squat. Open your arms laterally and bring them back to neutral while coming to a standing position. Repeat for 30 seconds.
Add an extra challenge pulsing your arms three times during the shoulder opener. If this movement is hard for you, remove the mini band around your legs.
Banded Bicycles
Place a mini band around the tops of your feet. Laying flat on your back, lift your shoulders off the ground and your hands behind your head for support. Bring one knee to your chest, stopping at a 90 degree angle. Lower your lifted leg back to the ground while simultaneously bringing your other knee to your chest at the same angle. Alternate feet for 30 seconds
Add an extra challenge by dropping your legs lower to the ground. If this movement is hard for you, keep one knee on the ground.
Step Push-ups
Place a mini band around your wrists and come into a high plank position. Step your hands laterally to each side one at a time and complete a wide push-up. Move hands back to come into a high plank and repeat for 30 seconds.
Add an extra challenge by completing two push-ups. If this movement is hard for you, narrow your stance.