Kundalini Yoga Workshop: Focus on the 2nd Chakra

Saturday, Dec 12 | 1:00pm – 3:00pm | $40/member & $50/guest

Kundalini Yoga is the yoga of awareness. The focus is on balancing the glandular system, strengthening the 72,000 nerves of the body, and bringing the body, mind and soul into balance. There are six major components in a typical Kundalini Yoga class:

  1. Tuning-in
  2. Pranayam or warm-up
  3. Kriya
  4. Relaxation
  5. Meditation
  6. Closing with a blessing song


Kriyas are specific patterns of movement that also include sound, pranayama, mudras, concentration, and meditation.  Kundalini yoga kriyas strengthen the nervous and endocrine systems, balance the chakras and meridians of the body, and build your willpower.  Kriyas can be simple, short sequences or they may be challenging and vigorous.  Each kriya can be adapted for any level of fitness. Many Kundalini Yoga kriyas and meditations include mantra and chanting. Mantra is a great practice for anyone new to meditation, who finds silence and/or stillness challenging.  Benefits include increased clarity, balance, and equanimity.

Woodside will offer a Kudalini Yoga Workshop on Saturday, December 12 with Sumya Anani. The focus of this workshop is on the second chakra: Svadhisthana, the water element. It represents change, adaptability, and our emotional nature and sexuality. Svadhisthana means “one’s own place.”  The second chakra’s ‘right’ is to feel, and if we aren’t allowed that freedom, it can create guilt, which makes us suppress our emotions.  Scientific research is finding that dis-ease is pyschosomatic in nature, and often comes from a repression of our feelings.

  • Physically, this chakra relates to your low back, hips, abdomen and sexual organs.  Do you have persistent problems in any of these areas?
  • How well do you express all the human emotions in healthy ways? 
  • How emotionally satisfied are you with your life?
  • Do you resist change?
  • Do you get enough physical movement each day?
  • Are you rigid in your beliefs or behaviors?

Deepening your connection and health with this energy center can be done in many ways.  Our kriya and meditation will focus on the 2nd chakra.  Bring your journal. There will be handouts.

Space is limited, register with Katie Swetala. Cost: $40/member, $50/guest


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